Welcome to the k. thompson photography blog! I’m Kelsey Thompson, a documentary-style wedding photographer in the Washington, DC metro area. I work and reside in Alexandria, Virginia with my two cute and crazy dogs and my husband (also cute and crazy).

This photography blog will be the best place for you to view images from my recent weddings and portrait sessions. It’s also where I’ll announce new products and share my thoughts about weddings, photography, and the amazing couples that I feel so lucky to work with year-round!

So please check back often and leave a comment when you read (I love comments!). And, as always, please feel free to shoot me an email with any thoughts, comments or questions you might have. Enjoy!


Jackie & Don - Engaged!

Jackie may have been one of the first people I met when I moved to this area a few years ago. We had a mutual friend who introduced us while my husband and I were planning our own wedding. Jackie was a kick-butt wedding planner at the time and somehow managed to get me down the aisle in one piece (not that I wasn't thrilled to marry my hubby, but I am NOT a big fan of standing up in front of a crowd of people). Fast forward a couple years and now I get to be involved in her big day! Given how many photographers I'm sure Jackie knows, I am sincerely honored to be photographing her and Don's wedding next year. And excited too...let's not forget excited! We met up in Georgetown for their engagement session a few weeks ago and had an absolute blast! We even stopped by Georgetown Cupcake because I learned that Jackie and Don had never had the pleasure of trying those tasty little cakes. We simply had to change that! The Lemon Blossom cupcake is borderline life-altering to my sugar-loving self. (Thanks, Don, for getting me one too!) I am so thrilled to work with Jackie and Don again at their wedding next September. If I know Jackie, this is going to be one amazing marriage celebration!

I may have a slight obsession with fun walls. But there are so many great ones in Georgetown...and this one even matches Jackie's shirt!

Such a gorgeous Fall day!

As usual, I had a little trouble choosing my favorites, so you're seeing both versions of this next image. Too many decisions!

Diamonds and cupcakes...fantastic combination!

I'm sure Jackie's hoping that Don got all of this out of his system before the wedding!

My absolute favorite wall to date.

1 comment:

Studio Juno said...

I LOVE the shots with the wheat blowing in the breeze - they have such a wistful, sweet atmosphere to them! Also, I love cupcakes. And by extension, any pictures with cupcakes in them make me happy :)